Tuesday, 8 May 2012

302 Women on Hunger Strike to Shut Down KKNPP : Government & Media remain Blind

Nuke-Power-people-say-no-to-koodankulam"Let's leave an Earth where our children and grandchildren can all play without worries."
- Yoko Kataoka, a retired baker from Japan

Some 25 men have been on the fast since May 1 and 302 women and 10 more men have joined the strike on May 4, 2012. 

Today the People of Koodankulam and Idinthakarai are going to submit the Voter ID Cards to the Radhapuram Tahsildar.

Is demanding ones right to live is a crime? These people are labelled as Naxals. Demanding the right to live become the act of Naxals.

These people are labelled as agents of USA to stop good relation with Russia, also greed of money from USA. Let the politicians ask to their inner self (of course they don't have it) Who is acting for money. And the politicians who claimed that these people are working for money themselves accepted the fact that they are not able to prove their claim.

Some people support the Nuke Power because of the Powercut Drama screen-played by Tamil Nadu. Some educated fools are on the belief that if KKNPP start the production the Electricity problem will be solved. Ofcourse you are fooled.

Development of any nation is a must. Development must be using the resources efficiently and effectively keeping the welfare of the people. Development on destruction of nature and humankind is not a development instead a curse to the Nation.

What does this people demand : 

[1] The ongoing work at the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) must be halted and the following steps must be taken immediately.

[2] As the Central Information Commission (CIC) has instructed the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), the Safety Analysis Report and the Site Evaluation Report must be released to the public immediately. And the full and final post-Fukushima safety audit report must also be released to the press and the public.

[3] A new and comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report must be commissioned as the one that the DAE has released after 23 years of struggle is incomplete, erroneous and outdated. The Tamil and Malayalam translations of the new EIA must be shared with the local people and the Press in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

[4] The opinions and preferences of the project-affected people must be heard by a competent authority in an open, transparent and democratic manner to understand the fears and concerns of the people. 

[5] An independent national committee must be constituted to study the issues of geology, hydrology, oceanography and seismology involved in the Koodankulam nuclear power plant.

[6] Disaster management training and evacuation exercises must be conducted in the 30-km radius of the Koodankulam plants and beyond in the wake of the recent earthquake all over Tamil Nadu and India.

[7] A Tamil Nadu State Assembly Resolution must be passed that the Pechipparai dam water from Kanyakumari District and the Tamirabharani river water from Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi Districts will not be taken for the KKNPP reactors.

[8] A copy of the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) on liability secretly signed between the governments of India and Russia must be made available to the project-affected public.

[9] Complete and truthful information must be given to the local people and the citizens of India about nuclear waste that would be produced at the Koodankulam plants and its management.

[10] All the false cases against the members of the struggle committee and the common people must be withdrawn immediately and unconditionally. Our friends who are still languishing in prison, Muhilan and Sathishkumar, must be released immediately.

[11] The local people's right to protest peacefully and nonviolently against the KKNPP and other related issues must be respected and honored. And no more false cases and other intimidatory exercises should be used against the struggling people.

Support people' Struggle. Today if it is on them, tomorrow it will be on You. Let's value the Human.

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